
Tree by Harvey Park 60% and Cropped 5.28.24

How to Reclaim the Wonder of Childhood


It was a Déjà vu moment. The type that calls out to you—stops you in your tracks—and whispers, “Remember me?” It happened the other day as I walked to my car in my hometown—near a park—where I ...

Cemetery Flags 50%

Trading Places




Trading Places

(Would You Trade Your Life for Your Parent's Life?)


In honor of Memorial Day, my wife and I took a ride down a special road—a road to the past. It was ...

TDBU Art with Desert and RPE Quote

Five Reasons Why I Wrote The Desert Between Us


Final Update--Launch Day: April 23, 2024


The long-awaited launch of my second novel, The Desert Between Us, is almost here—April 23rd. To say I’m excited is an understatement. As many of you know, ...

Don Tyree-Francis

The "Work" is the Reward


Don leans over the open hood of a car in his garage. It won’t start. Hasn’t moved in a year. But it will. In fact, when he is done with it, it may reach over 200 mph. After all, it has in the past. ...

Recapture your Sense of Wonder 50%

Recapture Your Sense of "Wonder"


Perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher, essayist, and poet said it best, “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” I witnessed this last week as my grandkids ...

Young Children

The Clock You Never Hear Ticking


Ever notice this strange phenomenon? We seem to be able to control the speed of time. Watch the clock, and time slows down. Ignore it, and time flies.

When I retired, I could no longer hear the ...

TDBU Resized Cover

Why I Wrote The Desert Between Us and Why You May ...


GOOD NEWS. The Desert Between Us is available for PRE-ORDER now. If you would like to order a copy or learn more about the plot line, click this link: ...


The Message Behind the Gift


This year I completed my third novel, THE CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPH. It speaks of the best and worst Christmas of the main character's life. The tragic thing is, his best and worst Christmas occurred on ...

Semifinalist art--2023

Writing for the Soul


Two days ago was National Author's Day. It got me thinking about why I write. Jerry B. Jenkins, author of the Left Behind series said, "Whatever else the writing life offers, nothing compares with ...

Woods by YMCA

Adopt the Pace of Nature


For years now, I’ve been writing this newsletter, PAUSE MORE. RUSH LESS. And for good reason, I’ve been trying to slow my life down, and if I’m honest, yours too, so we don’t miss life’s most ...

Father and son fishing in Jamestown subdivision

Observing Magical Moments


Magical moments. They’re all around us. The question is, do we notice them? What is a magical moment? To me, they are those ordinary moments we live in the present—but grow sweeter with time. We ...

Camera Collection

Excerpt #1 -- The Christmas Photograph


In my last newsletter, I gave you an update on my third novel, a novella called The Christmas Photograph. I wanted to share a brief excerpt with you now.

The Christmas Photograph is a 40,000-word ...