How to "Lend Your Strength" to Others
Did you know you can derive “strength” from others? Of course, our ultimate strength comes from our faith, but have you ever noticed how others can “lend us strength”?
I have shared only fragments ...
Give the Gift of Encouragement this Christmas
As Christmas draws near, I’m thinking about my extended family—those who are no longer with me. Parents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives that shaped my life using “the oldest therapy known to man ...
"The House We Lived In"
Ever notice what triggers memories? It could be the scent of fall in the air. A relaxing shower. A song on the radio. A scene in a movie. Or it greets you—by surprise—when you’re driving down a ...
The Fortune in Failure
Lately, I’ve been thinking about “paths to success” and how difficult it is to be successful—at anything. Life is hard. Obstacles abound. Competition thrives. Self-confidence wavers. To succeed at ...
Let's Make a Memory
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on memories—how we make them—why they shape us, and what makes them STICK.
As life marches on, I’m calling to mind memories of family members that have gone before me. ...
How to Reclaim the Wonder of Childhood
It was a Déjà vu moment. The type that calls out to you—stops you in your tracks—and whispers, “Remember me?” It happened the other day as I walked to my car in my hometown—near a park—where I ...
Trading Places
Trading Places
(Would You Trade Your Life for Your Parent's Life?)
In honor of Memorial Day, my wife and I took a ride down a special road—a road to the past. It was ...
Five Reasons Why I Wrote The Desert Between Us
Final Update--Launch Day: April 23, 2024
The long-awaited launch of my second novel, The Desert Between Us, is almost here—April 23rd. To say I’m excited is an understatement. As many of you know, ...
The "Work" is the Reward
Don leans over the open hood of a car in his garage. It won’t start. Hasn’t moved in a year. But it will. In fact, when he is done with it, it may reach over 200 mph. After all, it has in the past. ...
Recapture Your Sense of "Wonder"
Perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher, essayist, and poet said it best, “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” I witnessed this last week as my grandkids ...
The Clock You Never Hear Ticking
Ever notice this strange phenomenon? We seem to be able to control the speed of time. Watch the clock, and time slows down. Ignore it, and time flies.
When I retired, I could no longer hear the ...
Why I Wrote The Desert Between Us and Why You May ...
GOOD NEWS. The Desert Between Us is available for PRE-ORDER now. If you would like to order a copy or learn more about the plot line, click this link: