Special Edition: Author Update

The Morning Blend Resized 50% 2.21.25


This is the 105th issue of PAUSE MORE. RUSH LESS. In my first issue, I told you that the mission of this newsletter was to share with you practical ideas on how to live a more meaningful life by s-l-o-w-i-n-g the pace you live it. When I review the back issues available on my website, I believe I delivered on that promise. Because by pausing more, we see more. Listen more. Hear more. Feel more. And experience more. (Check out all the back issues under the BLOG tab here. Jamescmagruder.com)

I also told you in that first newsletter I would let you know what I’m working on NOW—such as writing a new novel, crafting a nonfiction article, researching a theme to develop into a book idea, updating my website, or having a book signing.

Today, this brief issue will give you an author update. Here are a few pieces of news.


1. First, I have the honor of making a guest appearance on THE MORNING BLEND TV Show this Monday, February 24th at 9:00 AM on TMJ4 in Milwaukee. (A photo of hosts Molly Fay and Tiffany Ogle on the set above.) We will discuss my current novel, The Desert Between Us, and possibly what I’m working on now. (You never know what they will ask you on TV.) It should be fun. Please let your friends and family know if you are in the viewing area.
2. Second, I will have another book signing on Saturday, March 8th from 9:00 AM until Noon at Mocha Lisa Coffeehouse in Racine (2825 4-1/2 Mile Road). Do you already have a copy of the novel? If you enjoyed it, why not consider picking up a SIGNED copy for a friend or family member? 

3. There is some more exciting news coming that I can’t talk about yet—but I’m happy about the potential of The Desert Between Us and how it is positively affecting readers and helping them work through personal grief. (I’ll tell you more about the next opportunity when I can.)
In the meantime, I just wanted to THANK YOU for following my writing career. You have no idea how much I appreciate you. Thanks for being so encouraging and caring. You keep me going.

More to come.



NOTE: You can now read any past issue of this Pause More. Rush Less. newsletter under the BLOG tab on my author website. jamescmagruder.com. Leave a comment on the CONTACT tab or email me directly at: jamescmagruder@gmail.com.

Please SHARE this newsletter with anyone you think would enjoy it. You can subscribe to PAUSE MORE. RUSH LESS. on my website.

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