
Corn Field

When a Story Comes to You (Field of Dreams--Part 2 ...

As a writer, I’m always looking for ideas to write about. I look to my experiences, read voraciously, and ask other writers where they find ideas for their stories. It’s so much easier when a story ...

Field of Dreams poster

How Movies Help Us Live More Reflectively

This newsletter has talked about several ways you can pause more and rush less to make life more memorable. We’ve talked about:  The Art of Living in the Moment, the Joy of Journaling, Writing a ...

Tractor Resized

How "Places" Help Us Slow Down & Rediscover What's ...

There are “places” in my life that allow me to slow down—and feel the most like me. Does that make sense? Are there places in your life where you feel the most like you? Places where you’re most ...

Sun setting shot

Saying Goodbye to My Father--in Advance

When I said goodbye to my father, I honestly didn’t know I was saying “goodbye.” That’s because, for all practical purposes he was in good health and the “goodbye” wasn’t formal or literal. But it was ...


The Scent of Summer & Sacred Moments

As I sit out on my patio overlooking the woods, I close my eyes and inhale the fresh air through my nose. Although it’s about 80 degrees and humid, the wind is off the lake. So, while the air that ...

Photo of female guitarist

Unplug from the World & Plug Into Yourself

Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest. The list of social media platforms goes on and on. All good—if you want to stay connected. Not so much, if your goal is to disconnect.

In ...

Couple in Flatbed Truck

Developing the Discipline of Doing Nothing

As the country slowly reopens, we are all tired of working from home, business closures, and being cooped up with nothing to do. So, it might seem strange that I’m challenging you to develop the ...

Piano Keys

Good Writing is Music for Your Soul

As a reflective writer, I’m a bit of an open book. (Pun intended.) I want you to see my life, my hopes, fears, victories and defeats. I want you to understand how I think as an author. I just sat down ...

Tunnel of Trees

How Revisiting the Past Enriches the Present


In these troubling times, it’s challenging to feel optimistic. I bought a greeting card the other day that helped restore my optimism. The short verse on the front cover is a quote by Carmel ...

Hands and coffee cups

The Invisible Nature of Enduring Friendship

As a young boy, I used to wonder about what I now call “the invisible nature of enduring friendship.” How do we pick our friends, and how do they pick us? What is it exactly that “makes us friends?” ...

Lady Drinking Coffee in Bed, writing

Write a Resume of Your Life

As a former executive speechwriter, I have a deep appreciation for a well-crafted speech—one that connects with the audience and accentuates the skills of the orator. Several years ago, my wife, Karen ...

The Glimpse with my Laptop and Coffee Mug

My Commitment to You as Readers

Inspiration. As a writer, I’ll take it anywhere I can find it. Where do I find it? Well, I can find inspiration just about anywhere but the most reliable place is in another writer’s words. When I ...