What's the Story Behind Your Website Theme?

What's Your Story Photo

When was the last time someone said to you, “Life is moving too slow?” Never, right? Life is moving fast. Too fast. You’ve heard the common refrain: “Stop the world, I want to get off!” While it’s true we can’t slow down the world, we can, I believe, slow down our world. 

How do we slow down our personal world? This will be the subject of future issues of my newsletter also titled, Pause More. Rush Less. 

A great way to start is simply by “inserting pauses” into our lives. Conscious, deliberate, extended pauses—that allow you to slow down, refocus and reflect on what’s happening in your life, decipher what it all means, and embrace the moment fully.

This is not only the essence of my website and newsletter theme, it also exemplifies much of my writing. For years, I have strived to insert pauses into my life to slow it down. I’m convinced by inserting pauses into our hectic lives, we can step back, reduce chaos, enhance our vital relationships, and spot the defining moments of our lives—as they unfold. 

An example from my life can be found in a nonfiction story here on my website titled, Lawn Chair Living. This story was published by Chicken Soup for the Soul in a book titled, Reader’s Choice. It explains how I inserted a pause in my life by disengaging myself from my world, silencing my cell phone, grabbing a lawn chair, and planting myself under a shade tree overlooking a bay. There I prepared myself for another major life transition—my changing role as both a father and a son.

(You can find Lawn Chair Living under the NONFICTION tab on the top navigation bar.) Here you’ll learn how a common lawn chair became a sacred, life-changing device for me.


Please feel free to ask me a question, leave a comment, or join my mailing list by subscribing to my FREE newsletter, PAUSE MORE. RUSH LESS. below. We’ll talk about how to slow down your life to live it more fully.

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